

ShopsnBiz Affiliate (Introducer) Program

Exciting ShopsnBiz Affiliate (Introducer) Program

Earn 50% from our PREMIUM Digital Business Card package!

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Come join us now!

We offer super attractive affiliate (introducer) program to all! Our product is affordable and a no-brainer to business owner.

50% commission per PREMIUM business card. That’s a lot!

Powered by AffiliateWP – your marketing won’t go to waste

Simple yet powerful dashboard to track your performance

*By signing up to our affiliate (introducer) program, you are agreeing with our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

How it works?

When a user clicks your referral link, makes a purchase for PREMIUM business card, you’ll receive 50% commission!

Step 1

Sign up to be our affiliate (introducer)

Step 2

Get your affiliate link from Affiliate Area page

Step 3

Send traffic to your link anyway possible – online or offline

Step 4

Earn 50% if someone purchase PREMIUM business card

You will get paid to your bank account once your affiliate commission reaches at least MYR 100 (USD 25).

What are you waiting for?

*By signing up to our affiliate (introducer) program, you are agreeing with our Privacy Policy and Terms & Conditions.

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